Cover Letters

Job advertisements usually ask you to send a résumé and fill in an application form. They do not necessarily ask for an application letter, but every job application should be accompanied by a cover letter. The cover letter has one main purpose: to get you an interview. The way to achieve that purpose is:

- To let the employer get to know you as an individual;
- To let the employer know what benefits you can offer the company.

Your cover letter is another essential document required in your job search because it introduces you to potential employers while explaining what you can offer and how you will fit in to the company.

When you are writing your cover letter to a company, you should bear the following points in mind:

- Avoid informal language but do not use old-fashioned or over-formal language
- Be polite but do not be too humble
- Be brief but make sure you make your points clearly

Business people are busy and do not appreciate unnecessarily long letters. Most business letters are less than one A4 page long. If you need a second page for your cover letter, you should think about whether you can say what you want to say using fewer words.

Common Expressions


  1. I’m very interested in your (job position) at (company name), advertised on…
  2. Human resources management is an area which I am fascinated and I am aspired to pursue a long-term career in this field.
  3. I believe that I possess the necessary background and skills to be an important member…
  4. I believe the position you advertised will provide the relevant exposure and learning opportunities I am looking for.


  1. Recently graduated from (university name), I am equipped with sound academic training in (subject areas).
  2. I have work experience in…
  3. During my time at (company name), I took part in (various projects) and learned to…
  4. Through these experiences, I have developed an enthusiasm for/interest in…
  5. The biggest challenge of my career/time at (company name) was… These trials have provided/taught me…


  1. I would appreciate it if I could be given the opportunity to speak to you in person about my qualifications and experience.
  2. I am immediately available for contact. My phone number is xxxx-xxxx and my email is
  3. Thank you for your consideration.