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CAES9920 Academic Communication for Business and Economics

Coordinator: Dr. Kevin PAT

Course Description:

This English-in-the-Discipline course aims to enhance students’ academic and professional literacy specifically for the study of business and economics. The course focuses on the language and communication skills required to develop and enhance students’ evaluative capabilities in academic and professional reading, writing and speaking. Through the study of different spoken and written texts, students focus on the language used to express business and economics-related concepts and the overall macro-structure of texts. This enables them to communicate clearly in key business genres in an appropriate manner for varied business and economics audiences. The out-of-class learning component of the course is integrated with the face-to-face input and will expose students to more business and economics-related texts. Specific self-study tasks aim to enhance student awareness of and give more practice in approximating professional discourse. Students will also be encouraged to reflect on their language learning processes developed throughout the course.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Evaluate, extract and synthesize relevant information from business and economics sources for use in academic and professional writing
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate structure and features of academic and business writing
  • Deliver a structured, coherent, and professional presentation
  • Select and acknowledge information sources in writing accurately using appropriate referencing and citation
  • Reflect on and compare your writing choices for business genres and other text types


  • a variety of assessment methods, including formative, self and peer assessment
  • class time spent working in groups writing and evaluating and critiquing writing

Assessment Methods:

(with breakdown of percentage weighting of the various methods)

  • Essays (40%)
  • Group learning work (25%)
  • Oral Presentations (15%)
  • Portfolios (20%)