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CAES9532 Technical English for Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Coordinator: Simon BOYNTON

Course Description:

This 6-credit English-in-the-Discipline course will introduce IMSE students to professional and technical communication through report writing and oral presentation with a focus on the former. The course will provide an intensive English environment and engage students in activities which help them prepare for the completion of the assessments required by the disciplinary project-based course(s) as nominated by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Assessment is wholly by coursework.

Co-requisite: IMSE3134 Innovation and entrepreneurship [for BEng(IELM) students only]

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Write a report that explains technical information to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a succinct, organized manner
  • Produce a summary that captures the essence of a report for non-specialist audience
  • Present technical information through selecting appropriate graphics and integrating them well in the text
  • Make convincing justifications and claims based on real-life disciplinary sources
  • Deliver technical information in an oral presentation to a non-specialist audience which demonstrates accurate use of language and a grasp of appropriate presentation techniques


  • Videotaping of oral presentations is conducted to add a critical element of tension and to facilitate performance improvements through self-reflection.
  • In most cases, students are asked to target a non-specialist audience, or a combination of specialist and non-specialist audience whose communication needs and limitations must be accommodated through the choice of content, vocabulary and register.
  • Students are required to attend compulsory rehearsals to gain feedback from the teacher and peers for improvement before the assessments.
  • Assigned readings and tasks are set for out-of-class and independent learning

Assessment Methods:

(with breakdown of percentage weighting of the various methods)

  • Oral Presentations (30%)
  • Project reports (60%)
  • Independent learning work (10%)