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CAES9350 Academic English for Dentistry

Coordinator: Dr. Letty CHAN

Course Description:

The 6-credit English-in-the-Discipline course, “Academic English for Dentistry” (henceforth ED) course, focusing on both written and oral English, aims to offer parallel language support to the Community Health Project offered by the Faculty of Dentistry, and to further enhance BDSV students’ academic literacy in reflecting on their clinical experiences. In the ED course, students will develop effective language skills in their written presentation of the Community Health Project. Input will also be given to enhance students’ ability to deliver a professional oral presentation of the project appropriate to the purpose of the research and the audience. The course also moves towards enhancing academic literacy in scientific research by allowing students to apply the understanding of disciplinary research and presentation to other academic contexts. Students will also learn about skills in writing a critical reflection on clinical learning points through questioning and hypothesizing.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Present research findings based on extensive and relevant review of literature, research design, data collection, findings, and recommendations in a written research report.
  • Critically reflect on a chosen clinical learning experience through writing
  • Evaluate self and group performances in research writing and oral presentation skills critically
  • Orally present research with effective presentation strategies, effective visuals and appropriate language.


  • Active learning
  • Discussion
  • Text analysis
  • In-class writing tasks

Assessment Methods:

(with breakdown of percentage weighting of the various methods)

  • Report writing (80%)
  • Oral Presentations (20%)