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CAES25S0007: Creativity in Everyday English

This course aims to introduce students to the notion of creativity found in multimodal texts, with special emphasis on everyday spoken and written English. The objectives include: 

  • to equip students with theoretical knowledge which can facilitate their understanding of the structure, purpose, and role of creativity in society,
  • to introduce relevant frameworks for analysing creativity, enabling students to explore creativity in everyday life,
  • to develop students’ creative habits of mind through sharpening perceptions, encouraging reflection, and
  • experiencing alternative possibilities,
  • to enhance students’ ability in producing instances of creativity,
  • to recognise the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on creativity and learn to utilise AI programs ethically.


Lessons and class exercises will be tied closely with the most recent events in their daily life, drawing examples from both local and international happenings. Students will be guided to think creatively and question critically through the analysis of numerous creative scenarios in English, and explore the applications of creativity in English in daily life. Lessons introduce concepts and analytical frameworks of multimodal (including linguistic) and practical examples will be presented to illustrate applied creativity in everyday English. Students are provided with the opportunities to deepen and question their understanding of the subject.

Course assignments (if any) will allow students to actively reflect upon their creative thinking process and demonstrate their own creativity in everyday English. Group exercises provide opportunities for fun, collaboration and mutual stimulation. Each group is required to consolidate their learning through the creation of a creative text archive and present it in class. Students will gain feedback from peers and the lecturer.


Course Code


Day & Time

No. of Hrs



27 May to 31 May


Monday – Friday



(5 sessions)


Run Run Shaw Tower

No. of students per class: 25 maximum