- Bachelor of Education in Language Education, The University of Hong Kong
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong
- Doctor of Psychology, Universidad Católica de Murcia
- Chartered Linguist (Education; Language Specialist)
Prior to joining CAES, Patrick taught general and academic English at several secondary schools and post-secondary institutions. At CAES, he mainly teaches English-in-the-Discipline courses for undergraduates from a range of disciplines. His main research interests include corpus linguistics, language assessment, and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) / Language Across the Curriculum (LAC).
Professional Affiliations:
- Senior Fellow, Advance HE
- Graduate Member, The British Psychological Society
Other Major Administrative Roles:
Programme Coordinator, English-in-the-Discipline courses for the Faculty of Education
Grants / Awards / Other Achievements:
- Mok Kon Sang Donor Scholarship
- Equilibrium Cultural Education Foundation Award