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Dr. Kevin Pat


  • BBA, Baruch College, City University of New York
  • CELTA, Cambridge ESOL
  • DELTA (Modules 1 & 2), Cambridge ESOL
  • Advance HE Fellow (FHEA)
  • Master of Applied Linguistics (High Distinction), Macquarie University
  • PhD in Applied Linguistics, Lancaster University

Kevin is from New York with a BBA in Finance and Investments and a minor in Economics and worked for HSBC upon graduation. After studying Chinese and obtaining the CELTA, he found that his passion was for teaching and taught in China and Hong Kong. This led to his completion of the DELTA, an advanced degree which further enhanced his understanding and practice of English language teaching. Additionally, completing his Master’s opened up his views of how diverse English language teaching can be and the many aspects that can be explored to help enhance students’ communicative capabilities in English.

At CAES, Kevin was the coordinator of the English-in-the-Discipline course for business and economics students. He has also developed materials for a number of courses at the Centre, co-authored the Academic English: Skills for success (2nd ed.) textbook, and contributed to Project Optimus, a presentation skills website. His research interests include classroom discourse, pragmatics (specifically linguistic im/politeness), and WhatsApp text messaging during university group projects, which was the context of his PhD. He finds the study of teaching and the English language fascinating and hopes to transform this interest into something meaningful for students.

Selected Publications / Presentations:

  • Culpeper, J., & Pat, K. (2021). Compliment responses in Hong Kong: an application of Leech’s pragmatics of politeness. Text & Talk, 41(5-6), 667-690.
  • Pat, K., Castillo, J., Wong, A.C., & Wong, L.L.C. (2015, June). Problematizing teacher questioning behavior in the first-year university EAP classroom. Paper presented at the CAES Faces of English International Conference 2015, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Legg, M., Pat, K., Roberts, S. & Welland, R. (2014). Academic English: Skills for success (2nd ed.). Hong Kong: HKU Press.

Grants / Awards / Other Achievements:

  • UGC Language Collaborative Fund: Online Project for the Improvement of University Speaking (OPTIMUS), 2015 – 2017 (Team member). []
  • Teaching Development Grant: Enhancement of Core University English Course (CUE) through Development of eLearning Moodle Materials, 2014 – 2015 (Co-Investigator). []
  • Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Academic Excellence – Macquarie University.

Office: Room 6.06

Telephone: 3917 7332

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