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Albert Wong


  • BA in Comparative Literature & English Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong
  • BEd in English Language Education, The University of Hong Kong
  • MSc in TESOL, University of Stirling
  • DProf in TESOL, University of St. Andrews (In progress)
  • Fellow, The Higher Education Academy

Albert began his career as an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) practitioner here at CAES, HKU shortly after attaining qualified teacher status. Since then, he has been involved in teaching and developing English-in-the-discipline (ED) modules for Faculties of Arts, Business & Economics, Dentistry alongside various others. He has also taught on the first-year general EAP module (CAES1000 Core University English) as well as ED courses for undergraduate programmes in Social Sciences and Education. He currently coordinates the Faculty of Science English-in-the-Discipline programme and also teaches and develops the centre’s EAP Teacher Professional Development programme. He is involved in the teaching of medical English to medical practitioners at the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital. Albert has coordinated the English Language Advising (ELA) service and the Dentistry English-in-the-discipline course. His academic interests include the rhetorical analysis of undergraduate and postgraduate academic writing, corpus-informed EAP teaching and learning as well as  EAP pedagogy and curriculum development.

In-House Committees:

Publicity and Outreach Committee

Professional Affiliations:

  • Member of British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)

Other Major Administrative Roles:

  • Programme Coordinator, Faculty of Science English-in-the-Discipline (ED) programme


Past Administrative Roles:

  • Co-opted member of the Faculty of Arts Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity (CGED)
  • Coordinator of English Language Advising (ELA)
  • Coordinator of Dentistry English-in-the-discipline course
  • Member, Faculty of Dentistry Board

Selected Publications / Presentations:

  • Wong, A. C. (2024). Authenticating and transforming academic and professional learning experiences through reimagining interdiscursive performance in assessed oral presentations in an ESAP module for mathematical sciences. [Conference Presentation]. St. Andrews EAP Conference 2024. University of St. Andrews, UK.
  • Wong, A.C. (2023). Re-envisioning instructional and assessment design in an in-sessional ESAP programme for the GenAI era. [Invited Talk]. University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK.
  • Wong, A. C., Chan, T, S., (2023). Writing instruction for discipline-specific science communication at a time of disruption and possibility: how EAP should respond to the emergence of AI-assisted writing. [Conference Presentation]. Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes Conference 2023: Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.

Grants / Awards / Other Achievements:

  • British Council ELT Masters Thesis Award (Commendation)

Office: Room 6.05

Telephone: 3917 7221

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