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My name is David Gardner and I have been at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) since January 1991. I work in the English Centre where I teach English for Academic Purposes to undergraduates and postgraduates. a lot of this work focuses on essay and thesis writing including avoiding plagiarism. I also do some teaching for the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) where I give courses to postgraduates on thesis writing, study skills and avoiding plagiarism.

I wrote Plagiarism and How to Avoid It because I found a lot of my students in Hong Kong (and other places before that) were committing plagiarism accidentally. They were getting confused about how to make use of the information in the books they were reading (the sources) and they were getting frustrated because they knew they were doing a bad job of their academic writing.

I hope you find this site useful. If you do please let me know, we all need encouragement in our work. If you do not find it useful, also let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix it.


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