
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS The Centre encourages research and publishing to foster scholarly exchange and professional development among its staff and to contribute to the world-wide dialogue on key issues in applied linguistics, academic literacy and language education. Importantly, research informs curricular development. The Centre publishes the Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics . Teachers at the Centre also serve as editors or reviewers for international journals and publishers. Recent output includes articles in publications such as Education and Information Technologies, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Studies in Educational Evaluation and TESOL Quarterly . Centre teachers have also contributed to the organization of conferences and given plenary and keynote addresses. Such activities are supported by funding from a range of sources such as the Research Grants Council and Teaching Development Grants. Centre staff published the following items from July 2021 to June 2022: Benati A. G. Nixon, C. Wong, L. L. C. Yau, A. H. Y. Benati A. G. Cheung, L. M. L. Fong, N. S. N. Law, L. H. L. Lau, K. K. Benati, A. G., & Chan, M. (Eds.). (2022). Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: problems and solutions from complementary perspectives . Springer . Benati, A. G. (2021). Focus on Form in Second Language Instruction . Springer. Benati, A. G. (2021). Input processing and processing instruction: The acquisition of Italian and modern standard Arabic . Amsterdam, Benjamins. Benati, A. G. (2022). Key Terms for Language Teachers A Pocket Guide . London, Equinox. Schwieter, J. W., & Benati, A. G. (Eds.). (2021). The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning . Cambridge University Press. Chen, J., Lin, L., Foung, D., & Nixon, C. (2022). Quality assurance and enhancement: an application of digitalised data. In A. Kaplan (Ed.), Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education (pp. 130-144). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education . Hyland, K., Paltridge, B., & Wong, L. L. C. (2021). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2nd Edition) . Bloomsbury Academic. Moorhouse, B. L., Walsh, S., Li, Y., & Wong, L. L. C. (2022). Assisting and mediating interaction during synchronous online language lessons: Teachers’ professional practices. TESOL Quarterly, 56 (3), 934-960. Turnbull, M. L., Jin, Y., Yau, A. H. Y., Lai, M., Cheung, M., Kwan, W. Y. W., & Watson, B. M. (2021). mHealth in hyper- connected Hong Kong: Examining attitudes and access to mobile devices and health information among older Chinese residents. mHealth , 7, 43. Yau, A. H. Y., Yeung, M. W. L., Au Yeung, G. K. Y., & Lee, C. Y. P. (2021). Complementary and alternative medicine: consumers’ experience with food therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong. Alternative Therapies In Health and Medicine . Yau A. H. Y., Yeung, M. W. L., & Lee, C. Y. P. (2022). A co-orientation analysis of teachers’ and students’ perceptions of online teaching and learning in Hong Kong higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 72 , 101128. Yeung, M. W. L., & Yau, A. H. Y. (2021). A thematic analysis of higher education students’ perceptions of online learning in Hong Kong under COVID-19: Challenges, strategies and support. Education and Information Technologies, 27 (1), 181-208. / / Benati, A. G., & Chiuchiù , G. (2022, March 5). Comparing the effects of structured input and textual enhancement in the acquisition of Italian subjunctive of doubt forms: An online analysis of accuracy time response and processing of two type of instructional interventions [Online forum presentation]. Hong Kong Second Language Acquisition Research Forum, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Cheung, L. M. L. (2022, May 5). Impact of student partnership on student learning: A case study at CAES [Poster showcase]. HKU Teaching and Learning Festival 2022, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong . Fong, N. S. N. (2022, June 23-25). Enriching academic English learning experience in higher education: A study of L2 learners’ perceived needs and beliefs in EAP [Online conference presentation]. Psychology of Language Learning (PLL4) Conference, Cape Breton University, Canada. Fong, N. S. N., Wong, P. M. T., Yau, A. H. Y., & Law, L. H. L. (2022, May 30-31). University teachers’ perceptions and applications of learning transfer in English for academic purposes [Online conference presentation]. 6th CELC Symposium, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Law, L. H. L. (2021). A collection of linguistic approaches to the study of pop culture - Valentin Werner (Ed.), The Language of Pop Culture. Routledge: New York and London, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-138-05170-6. English Today, 38 (2), 138–140. Law, L. H. L. (2021). Creativity and power: A systemic functional multimodal discourse analysis of the co-constructed multimodal creativity-power relation in House M.D. Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, 7 (1), 45-62. Lin, C. Y., & Lau, K. K. (2021). “I found it very special and interesting”: Evaluative language in Master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 53 , 101035. Staff Publications Conference, Seminar and Other Presentations PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT Centre for Applied English Studies 26 25