
Students as Partners (SaP) was developed as a new initiative at CAES in the 2019- 2020 academic year to invest resources in partnering with students and developing students as ‘colleagues’ in the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as in the enhancement of communication literacies. In the 2021-2022 academic year, one project was completed for the Nurturing Global Leaders Programme (NGL). Two student partners were selected from the NGL2021 course to closely collaborate with the NGL team and successfully created a brand-new publication that highlights the experiential learning experiences: Paper Plane – a #MYstory Collection. STUDENTS AS PARTNERS INITIATIVE NURTURING GLOBAL LEADERS PROGRAMME Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) entered their third year with steady growth of 184 students across 18 workshops from four different courses in Semester 1. As expected, Concise Writing and Sentence Structure were the most popular choices owing to their high degree of usefulness and applicability to students’ written assessments. For the remainder of the academic year, SPOCs were offered only during the summer period with two rounds of Concise Writing and one of Intercultural Communication. The team also submitted the finalised version of their chapter for Best Practices in English Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Lessons from Hong Kong for Global Practice , edited by Dr. Lillian Wong to be published in 2023. SMALL PRIVATE ONLINE COURSES The Nurturing Global Leaders (NGL) Programme is a 12-credit free elective experiential learning programme where HKU undergraduates participate in a six-week teaching internship in various locations in Southeast Asia in the summer. Upon completion of a two-week pre-departure training programme in Hong Kong, NGL participants teach English language and communication skills to local learners. The NGL experience aims to enrich students’ education by expanding their horizons and enabling them to draw on their communication skills and academic knowledge through first-hand practical intercultural experience. NGL opportunities are specially designed to encourage students to maximise their full potential by going beyond the confines of the campus, their own academic disciplines and geographical boundaries. In the 2021-2022 academic year, while the NGL Programme was suspended, a Students-as-Partners project, which was a collaboration between the NGL2021 organizing teamand students, was carried out to produce Paper Plane – a #MYstory Collection , a collation and publication of the intercultural communication projects that NGL2021 student-teachers led their learners to complete. CAES WORK ANNUAL REPORT Centre for Applied English Studies 16 15