
Other CSS Events Throughout the Year 2 SEMESTER In the second semester, the CSS team consisted of the same six full-time Communication Advisors and six full-time CAES teachers, while the team of part-time Peer Consultants grew to 44. CSS Communication Advisors and Peer Consultants continued to produce targeted promotional videos to help students make the most of our services. A total of 13 new promotional videos were produced and published through campus TV, mass emails, and social media in the 2021-2022 academic year. Attendance rate Consultations Workshops 100% 70.8% Attendance rate Consultations 100% Attendance rate Consultations Workshops Discussions 95.5% 79.4% 88.3% Attendance rate Consultations Workshops 96% 81.6% Total Services Consultations Workshops 44 63 107 Total one-to-one consultations 131 Total Services 937 Total Services 1,729 Workshops 181 Discussions 154 Consultations 602 Consultations 131 Consultations 1,432 Workshops 297 The Speaking Studio provided in-course support sessions to CCST9067 Leaving Earth: Our Future in Space ARCH2056 Building Technology 1 - Building Principles CAES2003 Learning English through Audio-visual Books CAES2004 Community Engagement and Communication through Podcasting CCGL9002 Hong Kong Culture in the Context of Globalization CCGL9006 Asian Regional Governance in an Age of Globalization CCST9010 The Science of Crime Investigation The Digital Literacy Lab provided in-course support sessions to CAES WORK ANNUAL REPORT Centre for Applied English Studies 12 11