
The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC), in partnership with all staff at CAES, aims to promote high quality teaching and learning within the Centre. It supports teachers and Programme Coordinators in facilitating dialogue about teaching and learning quality and disseminating teaching and learning quality information to students, staff of the Centre, the University at large, CAES External Examiners and the University Grants Committee. Regular duties of the TLC include (i) discussion of course modifications to ensure course changes bring about positive outcomes in terms of course quality, (ii) the collection of and analysis of quality assurance data from students and External Examiners and (iii) the compilation of reports for submission to the university and the UGC on course and teaching quality. The TLC also organizes and leads Staff Student Consultative Committee meetings at the end of each semester to understand and respond to student perspectives on CAES courses. This year, the TLC has also spent time supporting teachers with online teaching in response to the pandemic. CHAIR MEMBERS SECRETARY Miranda LEGG Icy TSANG Juan CASTILLO Patrick DESLOGE Ken HO Joanna LEE Michelle RAQUEL Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) The Publicity and Outreach Committee (POC) primarily aims to raise the profile of and create a positive image for the Centre, as well as to make its name known to the HKU and wider Hong Kong communities. In the 2020-2021 academic year, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, most publicity events were conducted virtually, including the Faculty of Arts Open Day, HKU Information Day, and Faculty Induction Programmes. POC contributed to these virtual University events through live chat and information sharing sessions (e.g., information sheets, pre- recorded videos and promotional course materials) to promote our English language enhancement courses and support services to students. Programme Coordinators for various English-in-the-Discipline (ED) courses were also invited by their respective faculties to deliver online briefing sessions to first-year students about courses offered during Faculty Induction Programmes. A live student sharing session was held on the Information Day for the Programme Coordinator of CAES1000 Core University English (CUE) and the POC Chair to talk with four former CUE students about their learning experience in their first year at HKU. The HKU English Speaking Competition was successfully conducted asynchronously and a significant number of excellent videos of public speech and poetry reading were received. This new format featured speaking challenges open to all HKU undergraduate students to find the best readers and public speakers of English. In the new academic year, POC will continue its mission of making the Centre’s courses and services known to students, academics and the Hong Kong community through various channels and reach out to and engage more with HKU students and faculty partners. CHAIR MEMBERS SECRETARY Lisa CHEUNG Alex SUM Cezar CAZAN Serina CHAN Grace CHANG Jessica HUI Caroline NIXON Albert WONG Publicity and Outreach Committee (POC) Benati, A. , Dottore in Lettere & Filosofia UniFI ; MA, PhD Greenwich . Director and Associate Professor Legg, M. , BA Mel.; MA, PhD Macq; CELTA, DELTA Roy. Soc. of Arts. Associate Director and Principal Lecturer Lee, C. F. K. , BEd E. Cowan; MA, PhD Lond.; MCIL. Honorary Professor Gardner, D. P. , BA Sheff.; MA R’dg; PhD Open; Cert. TEFL. Trinity Coll. Lond. Adjunct Associate Professor Cole III, S. F. , BA Tennessee; MA HK; CELTA Cambridge ESOL. Chan, D. , BA, MPhil CUHK; PhD Pitt. Cheung, L. M. L. , BA, MA HK; PhD Birm. Desloge, P. D. , BA Richmond Coll.; MA Monterey Inst. of International Studies. Fong, S. N. , BA CityU; MPhil CUHK; PhD HK. Lau, K. K. K. , BA HKPU; MRes, PhD Lanc.; FCIL, MIEEE. Lee, J. C. Y. , BA, MA, PhD York; PGDE HK. Ngeow, K. Y. H. , BA, MA Malaysia; MSc, MEd, PhD Indiana. Raquel, M. , BS, MA DLSU; PhD UTAS. Wong, L. L. C. , BPhil Birm.; MA, PhD HK. Senior Lecturers Boynton, S. D. , BSc Newc; MA Birm; CTEFLA, DTEFLA Roy. Soc. of Arts; CELTA Trainer, DELTA Trainer Cambridge ESOL. Castillo, J. , BA HK; MSc Oxon; PGDE CUHK. Chan, L. S. W. , BBA CUHK; MA HK; PCEd. Datwani, D. D., MBA Hull; MA HK; EdD Northeastern; CELTA Cambridge ESOL; PCEd. Hazell, A. , BA Winc; MEd TESOL Edin; MA Leic; Cert. TESOL Lond; Cert. Teacher Training, Dip.ELT, British Council. Ho, K. L. , BSc Berkeley ; MSc Stanford ; MSc San Jose ; Cert. TESOL Trinity Coll. Lond .; PDES HK ; MA HK ; PhD HK. Lecturers Crosthwaite, P. R. BA Salf; MA IOE Lond; MPhil, PhD Cantab. Honorary Assistant Professor STAFF LIST COMMITTEES 33 32