
Empowerment Inclusivity Reciprocity Collaboration Students as Partners was developed as a new initiative at CAES in the 2019-2020 academic year to invest resources in partnering with students and developing students as ‘colleagues’ in the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as in the enhancement of communication literacies. Student partnership is a collaborative and reciprocal process where teachers and students can come as equals to contribute according to their experience. Effective partnership is respectful, mutually beneficial learning where students and teachers work collaboratively on all aspects of educational endeavours, such as curriculum design, teaching and feedback, or partnership in extra- curricular initiatives such as student-led activities on professional communication. In the 2020-21 academic year, four projects were completed: two course-related projects (the Medical Terminology project arising from the CAES9721 course and the Wikipedia Article project from the CAES9720 and CAES9722 courses) and two project- or service- related ones (the CiC project and the DLL under CAES CSS). An impact framework was also developed to measure the impact of student partnership on student learning. Significant outcomes were made over the 2020-21 academic year, including the provision of Camtasia workshops, development of medical terminology course materials and activities, offering of technical assistance to Wikipedia Article writers as well as the production of a video and poster for the CiC initiative. A total of 22 student partners were involved in the four projects, and a majority of them expressed positive views on the four core values of student partnership (i.e., Collaboration, Empowerment, Inclusivity, and Reciprocity) developed through the initiative. With such positive responses, CAES has made significant and important steps into crafting mutually beneficial and rewarding collaborative learning experiences through student partnership. Components of a Successful Partnership Levels to Evaluate the Impact of Successful Partnership STUDENT PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK TO MEASURE CAES STUDENT PARTNERSHIP'S IMPACT ON STUDENT LEARNING Achievement Applicability Motivation University Studies Change of Perspective Active Learning Commitment New Skills Engagement Autonomy STUDENTS AS PARTNERS INITIATIVE CAES WORK CAES WORK 23 22