
• Academic Writing Plenary (Plagiarism Avoidance and Critical Referencing Skills) for Master in English Studies and Master in Art History • Academic Essay Writing Workshop for MA in English Studies • Dissertation Writing for Medical Sciences – An Induction Course • Academic Writing Workshop for Master of Social Sciences in Nonprofit Management • Academic Writing Workshop for MSocSc in Behavioral Health and MSocSc in Expressive Arts Therapy • Dissertation Writing for Master of Dental Surgery and Master of Science – An Induction Course • Academic Writing Workshop for MA(TESOL) ° Advanced Academic Literacy Workshop I: Planning and writing an academic essay ° Advanced Academic Literacy Workshop II: Presenting stance and arguments in critical writing ° Advanced Academic Literacy Workshop III: Writing a literature review • ThesisWritingWorkshop for Doctor of Education • AcademicWritingCourse for Master of Education • DissertationWriting for MSc Computer Science • Presentation Skills for MSc Computer Science • Dissertation Writing for MSc Mechanical Engineering AT THE TAUGHT POSTGRADUATE LEVEL ARTS MEDICINE SOCIAL SCIENCES DENTISTRY EDUCATION ENGINEERING The courses are designed based on faculties’ requests for Academic English support to meet their undergraduate and taught postgraduate students’ language needs. Courses are currently offered to these departments and faculties: Arts, Computer Science, Dentistry, Education, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, and Social Sciences. In the 2020-2021 academic year, we offered courses to 79 undergraduate and 1,157 postgraduate students to improve their skills in dissertation writing, use of specialized vocabulary and professional presentations. Many lessons during the semesters were conducted online via Zoom. The following SFEC-designed courses that provide tailor-made writing instruction and support were offered in the 2020-2021 academic year: • Medical/Dental Terminology Workshop SFEC curricula and lessons are extremely well-received by staff, faculties, and students. Many courses received positive feedback on course relevance and teaching quality, with high satisfaction ratings for effective and interactive delivery, materials’ relevance, and student engagement. Since 2008, CAES has collaborated with HKU Registry to improve the English skills of administrative staff. In the 2020-2021 academic year, we offered courses to 99 non-academic HKU staff. This is a significant increase of 52% from our 2019-2020 enrolment into workplace language enhancement courses. The following courses covering various aspects of English workplace communication were offered in the 2020-2021 academic year: Collaborations were arranged with university administrative divisions and non-academic units to provide English training in specialized contexts and for identified groups’ language and communication needs, for example, Workplace English for Information Technology Services, Library, and Human Resources Staff. • Grammar Essentials at Work • Professional English Basics • Workplace English for Library Staff I • Workplace English for Library Staff II • Workplace Meetings • Workplace Writing • Written Communication Skills for Human Resources Staff ACADEMIC ENGLISH COURSES AND WORKSHOPS AT THE UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL WORKPLACE ENGLISH FOR HKU NON-ACADEMIC STAFF DENTISTRY In line with CAES’s mission to support English enhancement needs of university staff, and students of taught postgraduate programmes, Specially-funded English Courses (SFEC) offer workplace and academic English workshops to meet these needs. All lessons are conducted as lectures or small group tutorials using tailor-made materials designed to cater to targeted learners’ workplaces or discipline-specific academic English demands. Despite the ongoing teaching and learning challenges arising from the COVID-19 circumstances, learner feedback across courses that took place saw either sustained or improved satisfaction ratings, which is due entirely to teachers’ and students’ commitment to quality teaching and learning. SPECIALLY FUNDED ENGLISH COURSES CAES WORK CAES WORK 19 18