
The Nurturing Global Leaders (NGL) Programme is a 12-credit free elective experiential learning programme where HKU undergraduates participate in a six-week teaching internship in various locations in Southeast Asia in the summer. Upon completion of a two-week pre-departure training programme in Hong Kong, NGL participants teach English language and communication skills to local learners. The NGL experience is intended to enrich students’ education by expanding their horizons and enabling them to draw on their communication skills and academic knowledge through first-hand practical intercultural experience. NGL opportunities are specially designed to encourage students to maximize their full potential by going beyond the confines of the campus, their own academic disciplines and geographical boundaries. Inthe2020-2021academicyear,atotalof103 students applied for the NGL Programme, of which 87 were interviewed. Following the interviews, 60 offers were made and 38 of these were accepted. Because of the various COVID-19 situations and travel bans worldwide, NGL2021 participants delivered their English language and communication classes online to learners in Thailand, Myanmar, andalongtheThai-Burmaborder. In summer 2021, on top of the two-week pre-departure training programme and six-week teaching internship, a selected group of NGL participants also conducted a 360-degree evaluation of the impact of the NGL programme through interviews with different stakeholders of the programme. In their second year of operation, Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) continued to show promising attendance numbers, build on their portfoliowith three new courses and publicise their work to the Centre. Along with Concise Writing, Impactful Presentations, and Intercultural Communication, the latest additions are: Sentence Structure, developed by Louisa CHAN and Aditi JHAVERI, Formality in Writing, by Melanie ZEE and Grace CHANG, and Critical Reading, by Simon SCANLON. Even with delivery on Zoom, attendance numbers showed significant growth on the previous year. There were 141 students over 11 workshops in Semester 1 and 144 students over 11 workshops in Semester 2. Also, after being suspended for a year due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions, Intercultural Communication was reintroduced in July 2021 to prepare students for their overseas exchange. The teaching team also showcased their work on Teachers’ Lift in January 2021, at one of the Centre’s weekly Professional Development sessions in April, and is currently contributing a chapter to the volume Best Practices in English Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Lessons from Hong Kong for Global Practice , edited by Lillian WONG. NURTURING GLOBAL LEADERS PROGRAMME CAES WORK SMALL PRIVATE ONLINE COURSES CAES WORK 08 CAES WORK 09