CAES Annual Report 2019-2020

23 CAES ANNUAL REPORT 2019 – 2020 22 Desloge, P.D. Jhaveri, A.D. Kwan, Y.H. Lau, K.K. Law, L.H.L. Smyth, P.D. Wu, C.H. Wong, L.L.C. · Jhaveri, A. D., Desloge, P. D., & Smyth, P. D. (2020, May 27). Teachers’ Lift - an inter-institutional podcast on teaching and learning [Symposiumpresentation]. Teaching in an Online Environment - Good Practices in the Age of Uncertainty, HKCPD Hub Symposium, Hong Kong. · Jhaveri, A. D., Desloge, P. D., & Smyth, P. D. (2020, May 27). Teachers’ Lift - an inter-institutional podcast on teaching and learning [Symposiumpresentation]. Teaching in an Online Environment - Good Practices in the Age of Uncertainty, HKCPD Hub Symposium, Hong Kong. · Kwan, Y. H. (2020, August). Energising research on peer writing tutoring in the Hong Kong context [Symposium presentation]. Student-tutor Writing Consultation Symposium, Hong Kong · Lau, K. K. (2019). Integration of reflection into EAP/ESP courses: Concerns and approaches [Invited symposium presentation]. ESP/EAP Symposium, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. · Lau, K. K. (2020, June). English as medium of instruction across the curriculum: Strategies and implementation model [Invited EMI workshop (via Zoom)]. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan. · Law, L. H. L., & Matthiessen, C. M. I. M. (2019, September 5-7). Revisiting Halliday’s (1990) “New ways of meaning: The challenge to applied linguistics”: What has changed and what still needs to be done? [Conference presentation]. The Conference on Language and Ecology: Towards a Shared Narrative in Interdisciplinary Research 2019, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong. · Jhaveri, A. D., Desloge, P. D., & Smyth, P. D. (2020, May 27). Teachers’ Lift - an inter-institutional podcast on teaching and learning [Symposiumpresentation]. Teaching in an Online Environment - Good Practices in the Age of Uncertainty, HKCPD Hub Symposium, Hong Kong. · Wu, C. H. (2019, November 23-24). Developing discipline-specific literacy skills for senior-year admitted students [Conference presentation]. International Symposium on Multilingualism in the Past, Present and Future: Opportunities and Challenges, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. · Crosthwaite, P., & Wong, L. L. C. (2019, July 10-12). Characterising postgraduate students’ corpus query and usage pattern for disciplinary data-driven learning [Conference presentation]. The 20th International CALL Research Conference “Social CALL”, The Education University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. · Wong, L. L. C. (2019, October 18-20). Enhancing disciplinary writing using data-driven learning approach [Invited colloquium]. Metadiscourse across Languages and Contexts, Jilin University, Changchun, China. Conference, Seminar and Other Presentations (July 2019 – June 2020) Committees CAES operates a number of in-house committees with clearly defined roles in order to streamline operations and allow for more effective management. The key committees are the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) and the Publicity and Outreach Committee (POC). Their roles and their major work in 2019-2020 are described below. Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC), in partnership with all staff at CAES, aims to promote high quality teaching and learning within the Centre. It supports teachers and Programme Coordinators in facilitating dialogue about teaching and learning quality and disseminating teaching and learning quality information to students, staff of the Centre, the university at large, CAES External Examiners and the University Grants Committee. Regular duties of the TLC include (i) discussion of course modifications to ensure course changes bring about positive outcomes in terms of course quality, (ii) the collection of and analysis of quality assurance data from students and External Examiners and (iii) the compilation of reports for submission to the university and the UGC on course and teaching quality. The TLC also organizes and leads Staff Student Consultative Committee meetings at the end of each semester to understand and respond to student perspectives on CAES courses. This year, the TLC has also spent considerable time supporting teachers in the move to online teaching in response to the pandemic. Chair Secretary Members Miranda LEGG Icy TSANG Pat DESLOGE Ken HO Joanna LEE Michelle RAQUEL Philip SMYTH