CAES Annual Report 2019-2020

CAES ANNUAL REPORT 2019 – 2020 13 12 In the second semester, we continued to pilot student peer consultations with 18 consultations attended. The DLL team furthered the work on an online support platform and began to engage student Peer Consultants in the production of ‘Learning Objects’ to populate the ‘Online Resource Commons’ online support platform. To foster greater awareness of digital media platforms for professional communication, an inter-institutional professional development podcast was established with a total of 19 episodes produced. We worked with one Common Core course to provide support in the form of consultations and workshops. Pilots of the online support platform also began. Semester 2 In the second semester, the CSS team consisted of the same six full-time CAs and six full-time CAES teachers, while the team of part-time peer consultants grew to 53. Speaking Studio A total of 70 students registered for sessions with the SS in the spring semester. The SS offered 1052 one-to-one 30-minute consultations, of which 381 were booked, for a booking rate of 36.2%. The attendance rate for booked consultations was 97.1%, and the attendance rate for offered consultations was 35.2%. In total, 245 places were taken for group workshops and discussions. Writing Centre In total, 422 students registered for sessions with the WC in the spring semester. The WC offered 2,734 one-to-one 30-minute consultations, of which 946 were booked, for a booking rate of 34.6%. The attendance rate for booked consultations was 93.8%, and the attendance rate for offered consultations was 32.4%. A total of 134 places were taken for group writing workshops. General Language Advising In the second semester, 29 regular GLA places were taken up. A total of six advisors (full-time CAES teachers) took charge of the consultation sessions, with each offering a total of five 30-minute sessions per week over ten weeks. In view of the need to adjust the service model for greater flexibility and a more efficient management of resources, open-access sessions were launched. The attendance rate for booked consultations was 95%. Digital Literacy Lab Other CSS Events Throughout the Year The UGC-funded Student-Tutor Writing Consultation Programme Symposium was organised to showcase the achievements of the grant project that led to the establishment of the WC. It was attended by 74 non-project participants on 16 August, 2019. The CSS Open House was organised on 9 October 2019 in Zone R to allow HKU staff and students to find out more about the services on offer. The SS collaborated with CCGL9042 and CCST9054 in the second semester and the summer semester respectively, offering out-of- class learning resources and in-class workshops for students. On 17 January, 2020, CAES held an information session and luncheon to bring together and promote collaboration between CSS consultants and CAES teachers. In summer 2020, the DLL hosted a virtual artist-in-residence week with Joe Lambert from the StoryCenter in Berkeley. This event trained eight colleagues from CAES in the Digital Storytelling methodology and provided a workshop for HKU students co-facilitated by the StoryCenter and CAES teachers. In addition, we worked alongside colleagues from the Faculty of Social Sciences to offer workshops for Digital Storytelling as part of their Experiential Learning Programs, and supported one common core course with teacher consultations and ‘embedded’ support to help assist Teaching Assistants delivering feedback on a video.